If you are considering piercings but are concerned about discomfort, rest assured. You are not alone. There are others if you want to enhance your appearance but are still deciding which piercing to choose. Many people are curious about piercings but hesitant to try them because they fear the pain.
Regarding piercings, the pain level is subjective and varies from person to person. There are several piercings known to be less painful, such as the earlobes, nostrils, and navel.
This article will showcase some of the least painful piercings available. Additionally, we will explore methods for measuring piercing pain, choosing the most suitable piercing for your preferences, and reducing discomfort throughout the process.
Least Painful Piercings: How to Measure?

Firstly, let's talk about how to measure piercing pain. The subjective nature of pain means that it varies from person to person. What feels like a pinch to one person may feel like a stab to another. In light of this, there is no definitive ranking of piercings based on pain level.
The pain of a piercing can be affected by certain factors, including:
- Location: The more nerve endings in the area, the more pain you’ll feel. For example, the genitals and nipples have more nerve endings than other areas, so they tend to hurt more than other areas.
- Technique: The skill and experience of your piercer can make a difference in how much pain you feel. A professional and reputable piercer will use sterile equipment, proper jewelry, and appropriate force to pierce your skin quickly and smoothly, minimizing the pain and risk of infection.
- Jewelry: Your jewelry's size, shape, and material can also affect how much pain you feel. Larger or heavier jewelry may stretch or pull on your skin more than smaller or lighter ones. Also, some metals may cause allergic reactions or irritation in some people, which can increase pain and inflammation.
- Aftercare: How you care for your piercing after the procedure can also influence how much pain you feel. Following the aftercare instructions given by your piercer will help your piercing heal faster and prevent infection, which can cause more pain and complications.
One way to measure piercing pain is to use a pain scale, a numerical rating system with 1 being the least painful and 10 being the most painful (imaginable). You can use this scale to rate how much a piercing hurts based on your perception and experience. For example, here are some examples of how different piercings may rank on the pain scale:

Piercing | Pain Level |
Earlobe | 1 |
Nostril | 3 |
Eyebrow | 4 |
Lip | 5 |
Tongue | 6 |
Nipple | 7 |
Navel | 8 |
Genital | 9 |
Remember that these ratings are only estimates and may vary depending on your factors. Also, remember that pain is only temporary and usually lasts for a few seconds during the procedure. The healing process may cause discomfort or soreness but will subside over time as your body adjusts to the new piercing.
The Least Painful Piercings by Location

Now that you know how to measure piercing pain, let’s look at piercings that are the least painful you can get by location. We’ll divide the body into four regions: ears, face, torso, and extremities.
For each region, we’ll list the least painful piercings in ascending order of pain level, briefly describing each piercing and it's benefits. We’ll also provide tips on choosing the best piercing for each region based on anatomy, aesthetics, and lifestyle.
The ears are one of the most popular and versatile places to get pierced. You can get many ear piercings, from simple studs to elaborate hoops. Ear piercings are also relatively easy to heal and maintain compared to other piercings.
Here are some of the least painful ear piercings you can get:
- Lobe: This is the most common and basic type of ear piercing. It involves piercing the soft tissue at the bottom of your earlobe. It’s usually done with a piercing gun or a needle. It’s one of the least painful piercings because it has few nerve endings and thin skin. It also heals quickly and can accommodate a variety of jewelry styles and sizes. You can also get multiple lobe piercings on each ear for a more creative look.
- Upper lobe: This is similar to the lobe piercing, but it’s done higher up on your earlobe, closer to the cartilage. It’s slightly more painful than the lobe piercing because it has more nerve endings and thicker skin. It’s still relatively mild and tolerable. It also heals fast and can be adorned with different kinds of jewelry. You can also get multiple upper earlobe piercings to create a layered look.

- Helix: This type of cartilage piercing involves piercing the outer rim of your ear near the top. It’s done with a needle or a piercing gun. It’s more painful than the lobe or upper lobe piercings because the ears have a greater number of nerve endings and tougher tissue. It’s still manageable and not too intense. Heal time is longer, requiring more care than lobe or upper lobe piercings. It can be decorated with studs, rings, or barbells. You can also get multiple helix piercings for an edgy look.
- Conch: This is another type of cartilage piercing that involves piercing the inner shell of your ear near the center. It is performed with a needle or a dermal punch. It’s more painful than the helix because it has thicker tissue. It’s still bearable and not too severe. Taking care of it takes longer than caring for a helix piercing. It can be adorned with studs, rings, or barbells. You can also get multiple conch piercings to get a unique look.
- Tragus: Tragus piercings involve piercing the small flap of tissue covering your ear canal. In either case, either a needle or a punch is used. It’s more painful than the conch because it has denser tissue. It’s still feasible and not too extreme. This piercing requires more time and attention than the conch piercing. It can be embellished with studs, rings, or barbells. You can also get multiple tragus piercings to give each ear a distinctive look.

The face is another popular and diverse place to get pierced. You can get many face piercings, from subtle studs to striking rings. Face piercings are also easier to show off and accessorize than other piercings.
There are a few less painful face piercings you can get:
Nostril: This is a type of nose piercing that involves piercing one side of your nostril, usually near the bottom edge. The needle or gun is used to perform the procedure. One of the least painful face piercings because there are few nerve endings.
It improves the look of jewelry and allows it to be worn in various styles and sizes. You can choose from studs, rings, screws, or bones for your nostril piercing.
- Septum: This is another way to pierce the thin tissue that separates your nostrils near the tip of your nose. Dermal punches or needles are used. It's more painful than nostril piercing due to the thicker skin and more nerve endings. While mild, it can take longer to heal than a nostril piercing. It can be decorated with rings, barbells, or horseshoes.
- Lip: This type of oral piercing involves piercing the lower or upper lip, usually near the corner of the mouth. Needles or piercing guns are used. It’s more painful than the nostril or septum piercing because the skin is thicker. The lip piercing is still reasonable and not too harsh. It heals more slowly and requires more care than the nostrils or septum piercings. Studs, rings, or barbells can be attached.
- Tongue: This is another type of oral piercing that involves piercing the center or the side of the tongue. This procedure involves needles or dermal punches. It’s more painful than lip piercing since more nerve endings are present, and the tissue is thicker. The healing process is slower and requires more care than lip piercing. Studs, rings, and barbells can be used to embellish it. You can also get multiple tongue piercings simultaneously for symmetry.
- Eyebrow: This surface piercing involves piercing the skin above or below the eyebrow, usually near the outer edge. Piercing guns or needles are used. It’s more painful than tongue piercing due to thinner skin. Despite this, it's manageable and not severe. It takes longer to heal and requires more care. For a more edgy look, you can have studs, rings, or barbells in your eyebrows.

The torso is another place where people often get pierced. You can get many torso piercings, from delicate studs to bold rings. Torso piercings can also be concealed and revealed compared to other piercings.
These are the easiest torso piercings you can get:
- Navel: This type of navel piercing involves poking the skin over or under the navel, usually near the top edge. A needle or a gun is used to pierce the skin. Among the least painful torso piercings since it contains few nerve endings.
- Nipple: This is a type of nipple piercing that involves piercing the nipple itself or the areola around it. This is done by needle or dermal punch. The pain is slightly greater than navel piercing because of the thicker skin. Nipple piercings are still relatively benign and tolerable, lasting longer to heal and requiring more care than navel piercings. They are adorned with studs, rings, barbells, or shields.
- Surface: This is a type of surface piercing that involves piercing any flat area of skin on your torso, such as your chest, stomach, back, hips, or collarbones. A punch or needle is used on the skin. It’s more painful than nipple piercing because there are more nerve endings and thin skin. A surface piercing can still be managed and doesn't require much care, but healing takes longer. They may have studs, rings, or barbells attached.
- Dermal: This is another method of piercing a single point of skin on your torso, creating a small hole that can hold a piece of jewelry. A dermal punch or a needle is used. It’s more painful than surface piercing because of deeper tissue. Dermal piercing is still viable and not too extreme. Taking care of it is more important than surface piercings. You can embellish it with studs, gems, or charms.

The extremities are another popular location for getting pierced. You can get many extremity piercings, such as subtle studs and striking rings. Excessive piercings can also be displayed and accessorized more easily than other piercings.
These are the easiest extremity piercings you can get:
- Finger: This type of finger piercing involves piercing the skin on your finger, usually near the base of the nail. During the procedure, a needle is used to puncture the skin. Compared to other extremity piercings since it has fewer nerve endings. It is also suitable for many jewelry styles, as it heals quickly. Stumps, rings, barbells, and dangles are all options for finger piercing.
- Toe: This type of toe tattoo involves piercing the skin on the toe near the nail's base. Dermal punching or needles are used. It’s slightly more painful than finger piercing since nerve endings are more numerous and the skin is thicker. Toe piercings are still mild and tolerable. They take longer to heal and require more care than finger piercings. You can attach studs, rings, barbells, or dangles.
- Webbing: This type of webbing piercing involves piercing the skin between your fingers or toes. It's done with needles or dermal punches. It’s more painful than the toe piercing since it has more nerve endings. It is not too severe and manageable but can require more care and healing time. Barbells, rings, and studs can embellish it.
How to Reduce Piercing Pain Before, During, and After the Procedure?

Getting a piercing can be a thrilling and rewarding experience, but it can also come with some pain and discomfort. There are some ways before, during, and after piercing to reduce pain, making it more enjoyable. Here are some tips on how to do that:
Before the Procedure
- Choose a reputable and professional piercer: A reputable and professional piercer can make a big difference in your pain level. A reputable and professional piercer uses sterile equipment, appropriate jewelry, and suitable force to pierce the skin, reducing pain and the risk of infection. You can find a qualified piercer by searching on safepiercer.org, the Association of Professional Piercers membership database. You can also check their portfolio and reviews to see their work and reputation.
- Prepare yourself physically and mentally: The state of your body and mind can affect how you perceive pain. To prepare yourself physically, ensure you eat well, stay hydrated, avoid alcohol and drugs, and get enough sleep before your appointment. To prepare yourself mentally, ensure you’re calm, relaxed, confident, and excited about your piercing. Your friend or family can also accompany you for moral support and distraction.
- Use a topical numbing cream: The topical numbing cream may reduce the sensation in the area you want to pierce if you're extremely sensitive or nervous about the pain. It is important to note that most numbing creams only penetrate the skin's surface and don't penetrate deeper layers where the piercing occurs. Test numbing creams on a small skin patch first, as some can cause irritation or allergic reactions. Numbing creams can be found online or at some pharmacies.
During the Procedure

- Breathe deeply: One of the simplest and most effective ways to reduce piercing pain is to breathe deeply and steadily during the procedure. Breathing deeply helps you relax your muscles, lower your blood pressure, and release endorphins, natural painkillers. Also, it helps you focus on something other than your pain. Try inhaling and exhaling slowly and rhythmically.
- Distract yourself: Another way to ease the pain of piercings is to distract yourself with something else that interests or entertains you. During this time, you can play the music you like, watch a video, read a book, play a game, or chat with your piercer or friend. Distracting yourself helps you divert your attention from the pain and make it seem less intense.
- Trust your piercer: Finally, one of the best strategies for reducing piercing pain is to trust your piercer and follow its instructions. Your piercer is a trained professional who knows what they’re doing and wants you to have a safe and positive experience. They will tell you what to expect, how to position yourself when to breathe in and out, and when to relax or tense up. The piercer will also monitor your reaction and adjust their technique accordingly. Feeling more comfortable and confident during the piercing procedure is easier when you trust your piercer.
After the Procedure

After getting a piercing, following your piercer's aftercare instructions is the most important thing to do. This enhances healing and prevents infection, thus preventing more pain and complications. The aftercare instructions may vary depending on the type and location of your piercing, but generally, they include the following:
- Cleaning the piercing regularly with salt water or saline solution.
- Avoiding touching or removing the jewelry unless necessary.
- Avoiding swimming or soaking the piercing in water.
- Avoiding applying makeup or other products on or near the piercing.
- Avoiding sleeping on or putting pressure on the piercing.
- Changing your bedding and clothing frequently.
- Staying hydrated and eating healthy foods.

Apply a cold compress: Inflammation and pain can be reduced with a cold compress if your piercing is sore or swollen following the procedure. Use ice packs wrapped in towels or cloths soaked in cold water. Apply the ice pack gently to your piercing several times daily for 10 minutes. Frostbite or damage to your skin may result from the direct application of ice.
Take over-the-counter anti-inflammatory pain medicine: Take pain relief medication like naproxen or ibuprofen to reduce swelling if your piercing is still painful after applying a cold compress. You should not take these medicines if you are allergic to them or have any medical conditions that may prevent you from taking them. Also, you should not take them for more than a few days as they may cause side effects such as stomach ulcers or bleeding.
In conclusion, although getting pierced can be exciting, it is important to consider the potential pain involved and choose a piercing that fits your pain threshold. To ensure a more comfortable piercing experience, you can use the pain scale and consider the least painful piercings in each body area.
Communication with your piercer and taking steps to reduce pain before and after the procedure are essential since pain is subjective and can vary from person to person. Even the least painful piercings can add a touch of elegance to your style with the right preparation and care.